Aug. 02 NCLEX Daily Practice Questions
The charge nurse is planning assignments for the day. Which clients will require the nursing staff to institute contact precautions? Select all that apply.
Explanation: Infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA), C difficile, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), and scabies require contact precautions to be used.
Contact precautions include
Placing client in private room (preferred) or cohorting clients with the same infection
Using dedicated equipment (must be disinfected when removing from room)
Wearing gloves when entering room
Perform proper hand hygiene before exiting room (use soap and water or alcohol- based hand rubs for MRSA and VRE, but only soap and water for C difficile and scabies)
Wearing gown with client contact and removing before leaving room
Place door notice for visitors
Having client leave room only for essential clinical reasons (ie, tests, procedures).
If an x-ray is needed, try to arrange for a portable one.
- (Option 3) Clients with pertussis infection (whooping cough) need droplet precautions.
- (Option 5) Influenza requires droplet precautions.
Educational objective:
Clients with multidrug-resistant organisms (MRSA, VRE),
C difficile diarrhea, and
scabies require nursing staff to implement contact precautions.