NABH-AAC Standard 2 Effective Solutions

20 Elite terminologies related to NABH

 NABH-AAC Standard 2 Effective Solutions

NABH-AAC Standard 2 Effective Solutions


(National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers)

6th Standards

NABH-AAC Standard 2 Effective Solutions

Access Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)

AAC – Standard 2 - The organisation has a well-defined registration and admission process

Objective Elements

a. The organisation uses written guidance for registering and admitting patients.*

Interpretation: Organisation shall prepare a document(s) detailing the mechanism for registration and admission of patients, which should also include unidentified patients. All patients who are assessed in the hospital shall be registered. The organisation could consider mechanisms to verify the identity of the patient during registration. All admissions must be authorized by a doctor. Additional documentation as required shall be included for foreign nationals. The written guidance addresses out-patients, day-care, in-patients and emergency patients. The patients and/or family are informed of the salient steps for registration/ admission. This could be done through appropriate displays/information on the website.

b. A unique identification number is generated at the end of the registration.

Interpretation: The organisation shall ensure that every patient gets a unique number which is generated at the end of registration of the first interaction that the patient has with the organisation. This number shall be used for identification of the patient across the organisation and to ensure continuity of care across the organisation. All hospital records of the patient shall have this number. "Unique" implies that this is a one-time affair. Please note that a patient can have only one unique number. However, in the case of multiple visits (OP/IP), a different number could be generated in addition to the above-mentioned unique number. These numbers shall be linked to the unique number to ensure continuity of care.

c. Patients are accepted only if the organisation can provide the required service.

Interpretation: The staff handling registration and admission need to be aware of the services that the organisation can provide. It is also advisable to have a system wherein the staff is aware as to whom to contact if they need any clarification on the services provided. In case of emergency, life-saving treatment shall be initiated before any decision is taken regarding acceptance.

d. The written guidance also addresses managing patients during non- availability of beds.*

Interpretation: The organisation is aware of the availability of alternate organizations where the patients may be directed in case of non-availability of beds. In case the organisation admits these patients in a temporary holding area, it shall ensure that there is adequate infrastructure to take care of these patients. Further, the organisation shall define as to how long patients are kept on temporary beds before a decision to transfer out is taken. The guidance also addresses managing patients when the bed is not available in the desired bed category or unit, and the financial implications explained to the patient of the same.

e. Access to the healthcare services in the organisation is prioritised according to the clinical needs of the patient. *

Interpretation: Patients with a clinical problem which warrant an earlier response are identified and prioritised in all care settings (outpatient, in-patient, emergency and diagnostic services). For example, a patient waiting in the OPD who complains of giddiness is seen as soon as possible; a vulnerable patient coming for a diagnostic test is fast-tracked. All the staff handling these activities should be oriented to the applicable guidelines.

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Policy & Procedure on Registration Process

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NABH-AAC Standard 2 Effective Solutions

Implementing NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) standards involves a comprehensive process of aligning healthcare practices with rigorous quality and safety criteria. Facilities seeking NABH accreditation must establish robust protocols, ensure staff training, and continuously monitor and evaluate their practices. This process includes preparing detailed documentation, conducting internal audits, and addressing any gaps in compliance. Successful implementation not only enhances patient care and safety but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and operational excellence.

NABH – AAC Standard 2 Effective Solution

NABH – AAC Standard 2 Effective Solution

NABH-AAC Standard 2 Effective Solutions

Stay tuned for more insights on NABH.

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NCLEX Lab Values Practice Questions # 01

NCLEX Lab Values Practice Questions # 01

1 / 10

A client's lab results show a blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level of 25 mg/dL and a creatinine level of 1.8 mg/dL. What do these findings suggest?

2 / 10

A client’s lab results indicate a white blood cell (WBC) count of 15,000/mm³. What might this lab value suggest?

3 / 10

The nurse notes that a client's platelet count is 90,000/µL. Which is the most appropriate intervention?

4 / 10

A client's laboratory results show a fasting blood glucose level of 130 mg/dL. What condition does this value indicate?

5 / 10

The nurse is assessing a client with a calcium level of 6.5 mg/dL. Which symptom should the nurse expect to find?

6 / 10

A client has an INR of 4.5 while on warfarin therapy. Which action should the nurse take?

7 / 10

A client’s complete blood count (CBC) shows a hemoglobin level of 7.8 g/dL. Which clinical manifestation should the nurse anticipate?

8 / 10

The nurse is reviewing the lab results of a client with pancreatitis. Which of the following serum amylase levels is consistent with this diagnosis?

9 / 10

A client’s laboratory results show a serum sodium level of 128 mEq/L. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

10 / 10

A client with chronic kidney disease has a serum potassium level of 6.2 mEq/L. Which action should the nurse take first?

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